CATCHED! Pairing:Ash/gary Ash was weird,very weird the valentine's day was coming and day after day he looked more sad,but when this day came... "Hey brock do you know what is wrong with ash?" misty said sitted in a fallen log with togepi in her arms Brock Making a campfire for the night looked at misty and exclamed "I don't know misty but he looked better today i think i will ask him what was happening later,I was already getting worried" Misty sighed and continued talking "Talking about ash,where he is?" Brock looked at the sides and said "Um he said to me that he was going to have a pokemon battle with gary he was weirdly happy but....He is delaying better go finding him" Misty get up of the log and she and brock start trying to find ash By all the places,forests and in a village close to the camp "Hey you saw a boy with a black hair with a hat with a yellow rat..and a boy with a purple skirt?" Misty Said to A Boy of the village After various not's they finally get a yes "Oh!! yes i saw them they walked to a chocolate store and after that to a forest close to here" the boy said The forest was long and they din't find a tick of ash Misty was tired her hair was a mess and brock was sweaty and worst the sun was killing them "" Misty whispered brock silently agreed "Pika!" They heard,was pikachu,Pikachu looked like water in the desert for their crazy and tired bodies. "pikachu?" Brock knelt and whispered "pik-pikachu!" "YOU ARE NOT DEAD!" Brock cried and hugged pikachu "chuu?" Misty looked at brock and pikachu and said "'s go to the fucking point where's ash?" Pikachu out of brock motherly embrace started to running and guiding brock and misty to Ash Misty and brock happily screamed "ASH!" But this wans't only ash theres gary. Sitted on a log Gary was in Ash's arms putting chocolates on ash mouth and both were happy and blushing the chocolate box "W-WWWWWWWWWAAAAAAAA?" Misty Screamed But differently of misty,brock just said "wow..this make sense..." And ash and gary? Ash din't have facial expression and gary was screaming silently "Ash you..said to me that they never could find us...Here.." Gary whispered The black heaired boy tried to talk but everything in his mounth was "a-a.." END. was on the floor, it was heart shaped,